Time Flies When Your Having Fun....

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything and well alot has happened in the past three months. We have been extremely busy and have had some fun things go on.

First off Jesse's little sister Jordanne got married in the middle of September! It was a great weekend and was alot of fun to see everyone. We are excited for them and happy Jordan is officially part of the family!

Congrats Jordanne and Jordan!!

Reese is now 22 Months old and is as fun as ever. She is talking up a storm and is getting so big. I can't believe she is almost two years old. She already is a big help with things around the house and is actually pretty good about cleaning up after herself if you ask her. She is in LOVE with Babies and every time she sees a kid about her age or smaller she will yell 'Baby'. So our next little one will defiantly be loved by her big Sister!

On October 20th my sister BreAna had her first little girl. Bella Lauren Palmer is finally here and she is a doll! Reese and I made a quick trip down to see her the day she was born. It was so great to meet my little Niece and Reese just wanted BreAna to put her on the ground so she could play with her. We are so excited for BreAna, Lincoln and the boys!

Bella Lauren Palmer - What a Beauty!

As for Jesse and I we have been really busy with well life in general. We recently moved and well that is quite a chore when you are 9 months pregnant. We had alot of really great help that made it alot easier! Jesse has been working hard and is loving his job! We are so grateful for his job and that he enjoys it so much! I have been feeling pretty good for the most part. This pregnancy has been much easier on me than my first one. I have been pretty sore but really that is about it. I am excited to take a little time off work after I have the baby and just stay home with my girls for a bit.

Well, another exciting thing that is happening is my little Brother Chase will be home from his Mission on Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9th!! We are so excited to have him home and I am so excited for him to meet Reese for the first time! He has loved his Mission very much but is ready to be home with all his family and friends! The holidays are going to be great this year with him home!


And last but not least our new little addition will be here on November 15th! We have scheduled my C-Section bright and early that morning. We are still getting things ready for this little one and I really don't feel as prepared for this one as I was for Reese. So I will be working hard this week to get everything ready and perfect for her. We finally decided on a name for her....Roxie Lyn Ward. It is a little different but we both really like it and are just so excited for her to be here! I can't wait to see how Reese does with her and hope she adjusts well.

Well there is a quick update on what has been going on with us and what is coming up!


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