Chase's Farwell and a Quick Update

Just wanted to post that my little Chase's Farwell is going to be this Sunday, October 26th. Let me know if you would like all the details so you can come support him! Wow, time has flown since he received his call! We are so proud of him! He will be reporting to the MTC November 5th. Right now I have mixed feelings. I am going to miss him so much but I'm also very excited for him to leave and get to San Jose. I know he will have such a great time.

As for Jesse and I we are keeping busy. We recently went to a Reba and Kelly Clarkson Concert! It was a really good concert! We really enjoyed. That is what Jesse got for me for my Birthday. I really don't think he was to excited to go, but he enjoyed it.

I'm more than ready to be done with this pregnancy. I have been layed up for the past week and a half and finally are back to the real world. Hopefully I can stay healthy for the next two months til the baby is born. Jesse has been keeping busy with Real Estate, building and taking care of me! That is like 3 full time jobs. (I'm a real baby when I'm not feeling good) I felt pretty bad for him last week. He would be at work all day and come home and want to just relax and go to bed but then he would end up taking care of me all night.

Well the next couple of months are going to be extremely hectic between getting our little Chase off and getting ready for this baby. I get panicked when I look at a calender. Time is running out and I have a lot of stuff to get done! But if you know Jesse and I at all you know we are major procrastinators!! So pretty much I'm ready to be done but have nothing ready! Sounds about right!


Call Family said…
Hey, glad that Chase is heading out. He is going to have a great experience. Your family will be so blessed while he's on his mission. We're proud of you and Jess and know how exhausting this is for you. IT sucks, but, it'll be a distant memory and when that little Reese cries for the first time, it's like you forget all the crap you went through to get to that point. Your whole life changes! It's awesome. And, might I add that I'm pumped to be an uncle again and actually have a niece that lives in my time zone!
Another baby girl in the family right? Congrats! Now post some cute pregnant pictures. Hopefully we will see you for the farewell.
The Bee Family said…
Hey how fun! I found ya! It was so fun to see you today, I'm really sorry we don't do better to call or get up there to visit. I have to say you are my most faithful client driving down to Preston and I'm glad you do or I wouldn't get to see you. Your ultra sound pictures are cute, and I have to go rescue my mom from Sadie so I'll have to look at Lincolns blog another time, but your family photo's look awsome! oh our address
The Brendles said…
Hey Brooke- Sorry you havent been feeling too good! Chase must be pretty excited to leave, hope all goes well for him. Haven't see you forever! You need to post some belly pics so we can all see ya prego :)
Anonymous said…
Brooke that is so neat that you are having a baby!!! How far along are you? Don't worry time will fly by and baby will be here and then a small part of you will kind of miss having baby in there (at least I kind of did)> Well good luck!!
Anonymous said…
I am sorry that your feeling so bad! Have you just had the flu or is it baby sickness?
lol i like how you call chase your little chase... i am sure he loves that!!!! it really does seem like time has flown by since he got his call though!

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