Teddy Bear and Reese

Oh...how cute is this picture! I love it!! Lincoln took this one for us this weekend. I will be posting some other photos from this weekend soon. I just had to get this one up because it was SO cute!!

Thanks Linc!


BreAna said…
What a little dolly. Love that girl. I miss her so much.
Ashton said…
Having a photographer in the family is awesome. Brandon's sister (who moved to Oklahoma) is our resident photographer.
That teddy bear is huge! that is an adorable photo. We also like the one of her laughing while you toss her.
And you wanted our blog address - abclawsons.blogspot.com. You should get on without a problem.
Jessica said…
Cute Reese gets cuter all the time. I love this picture with the teddy - clearly a talented photographer. As are you - all of your pix are darling!
Nicole said…
Love it! I wish I would've had Lincoln take some pics of Sloane. Summer almost came too soon this year! Hope you guys are doing great!

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