Aniston Bailey Ward
Aniston Bailey Ward was born on Friday, June 15th at 7:29am. She was 6 lbs 12 oz & 19 inches long. She is a beautiful little Girl and we love our new little addition to our family. I had a scheduled Csection and we had to be at the hospital around 5:30am in the morning. We were actually on time. (With my csection with Roxie we were about an hour late) They got me all prep and ready to go to the OR to get little Aniston out. The Csection went really well and before I knew it she was here and I was in the recovery room. We were excited to see who she looked like more...Reese or Roxie? (She looks alot like Reese) We had still not decided on a name and it was Jesse's job to pick out a name. So the day before he changed his mind on the name we had been telling everyone it was going to be....Tynlee. So on our way to the hospital he was kinda leaning towards Stella. Well then when I got back to my hospital room he came in with her and I asked him what her name ...