Easter and a Powder Day!

For the past 2 weeks our house has had Easter Eggs everywhere! I had to stuff a little over 2,000 eggs for my works Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Reese loved making a mess with them and playing with them. She made stuffing them very difficult. She would actually help put the candy in the eggs for about 15 minutes or so and then just wanted to eat the candy, and play with the eggs and made it impossible to get them done.
Saturday was the Easter Egg Hunt and after all that stuffing Reese didn't even get to come and enjoy it. It was way to cold to have her out. It has snowed Friday night and we had like 30 mph winds that morning. It was almost impossible to scatter over 20,000 eggs in the park with the wind. The wind was blowing the eggs and our prizes all over. But despite the freezing cold we had just as good of turn out as usual. I was shocked! People are serious about their Easter Egg Hunts...haha.
BreAna, Lincoln and the boys were in town for the weekend. Reese went and hung out with them at my parents house while Jesse and I headed up skiing after the Easter Egg Hunt. We had about 2 feet of powder! It was great skiing all day! It was a little cold but was well worth it. We were able to get a couple good photos from the day.
Sunday was a great day. We went to Blackfoot for dinner and little Easter Egg hunt and just hung out and played with the kiddos. It was fun to watch Reese play with the boys. Her and Liam are really funny together. Reese is getting so big and so independent I just can't believe it. She is picking up new words everyday and is very smart. It is nice now that she understands alot of what Jesse and I tell her. She is a pretty good listener but has her moments. We are so lucky to have such a great little girl!

Jesse over in South Bowl



Nicole said…
Happy Easter! Reese looks so cute! But just wait the poopy days are coming! :) I can't believe how big our little girls are getting! I hope you guys are doing great!

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