This Weekend

Here are just a few photos from the weekend.

Reese is starting to enjoy the bath a little better. She doesn't quite freak out as bad when the water gets on her face. She is so funny.

Jyl and Ace had their baby girl Sophi this week and they are only 10 weeks apart and Reese looks like a little tank next to her. It is so crazy how much they change in such a short period of time. I can't believe it!

Grandma and Reese

These photos are of Jesse and I at Pebble Creek Friday and Saturday afternoons. We had great weather and great snow. We definitely miss our little Reese while we are up there, but have such a great time skiing together! We are so lucky we have so many things we love to do together.

These are just some of the photos I took of my Dad's new car. It is a 2008 Shelby GT 350 Mustang. I took a bunch of photos to send to Chase. He has been begging me to get him some photos since he got it. It is such a sweet car!


BreAna said…
oh my heck I am so in love with that little fart. I love those bath pictures. They are so bloody cute. I am so glad you sent chase some pics of the car he will love them.
she is smiling!!!!! oh my gosh how freakin cute!! i like the squishy face one too... it looks like she is finally getting some chubs on her tiny body:) and looks like you have none on yours! you suck! ha ha just kidding. i forgive you for looking better than i do when you are only a couple months out and i am a couple years out :)

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